Friday, 7 June 2013

visit to the Doctors with my autistic son

Well the last two weeks have been interesting, sorry for not posting anything sooner. If your a parent of school aged children you'll know we have just had half term. Ed was fine that week, I had managed to book him out for exciting activities, he went swimming twice, and fun days playing alongside 'normal' children, he was happy.  One small story, I notice oily water strewn on the floor, and keep mopping up repeat puddles, I think its coming from our carpet cleaner he likes to push around - but no. Ed has given our vacuum cleaner a drink, pouring water in the top. I let it dry out in vain for a couple of days but the popping noise it makes when switched on is a clear indication it has died. So I need a plasterer, a new vacuum cleaner and new curtain pole, thanks. Then, as I am looking forward to school and normality, he becomes really grumpy on Saturday. Stops eating, lots of shouting, no no no, hair pulling and restless sleep. Sunday finds him in a worse state, hot as you like, listless, refusal to eat and more worryingly, refusal to drink. Monday he is the same. Tuesday he is the same, except in the afternoon a change in behaviour where he is getting distressed and I finally pick up the phone.

To my knowledge, a viral infection last 48 hours, so he shouldn't be getting worse. My Dr is so sweet, Ed obliges by not being as ill in the consulting room as he was at home (how does that happen?) but actually co-operates enough for her to diagnose him with tonsillitis OMG! How the hell will I get 4 lots of anti-biotics in him for 10 days! I give him paracetamol suppositories because he spits medicine back. So the first lot of antibiotics gets spat in my face and what isn't on me is on the sofa. The second lot he sicks up on my bed and over the carpet. As all he is drinking is a small cup of cranberry juice, which I have been following him around with trying to encourage him to have a sip, the result is dark red vomit on my beige carpet. luckily, I have a carpet cleaner we bought about 2 years ago to get up the pooh he regularly smeared round the house, and thankfully it works just as well on vomit.

That's it for the antibiotics, there must be another way I pray fervently, and spend another restless night with the boy in our bed, hot, grumpy, restless, 6am and he runs downstairs. He has done something with the syringe I give him medicine from so I have no choice but to use a spoon, amazingly, I manage to coax him to taking some. Over the next hour his mood brightens and its happy days again. As far as I know it take about 24-48 hours for these medicines to kick in, so this was in no way down to that. I managed to speak to my lovely Dr over the phone that afternoon and she agreed not to give him anymore if he continued to improve, hallelujah. So anyhow, I keep him off school till Friday, when he has a peaceful sleep and has eaten something the day before. In between time, something happened on Thursday that I will share on a different page, I had a real time glimpse of how far I have come in the past 2 years, and how the small changes I made have made a big improvement in our lives - don't get me wrong, we have a tough time compared, but we are out of the nightmare zone.

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