Tuesday, 24 September 2013

pineal gland - have you heard of it? well you should

You know Friday night I had the best night sleep I can remember. When I woke, I was so comfortable that I was entirely unaware of my body, as I lay there I felt like just a thought in bed. I suppose if you want to get all zen on me, that's all we really are. Ed had actually slept in his own bed and when I woke him in the morning, for the first time in weeks he still had his PJs on. He had a great day at school, and when I dropped him off at the childminders, arrived to find she was still not back from her school run (Ed finishes early on Fridays) As I pulled up, I heard him un-buckle his seat belt ready to charge out, but she wasn't there. Now this could have gone two ways, I turned round to him and said, "Oh Ed, she isn't here yet. Get in your seat and we will have a little drive." Well blow me down if he didn't without a murmur jump in his seat and then put his own seat belt on! This from the boy who has had to literally be tied in his seat to keep from getting out.

Before I fell asleep that night, I just so happened, for no particular reason, to read a couple of emails from that day, I opened up one which had the fantastic title of "The mighty Pineal Gland." I was still buzzing in my head about how amazing iodine is, and all the bits and bobs it supports, with the pineal gland being one of them, so of course I had to read it. When I woke up, I thought ' I need to read up on my pineal gland!' and this is what I found, I hope that when you finish reading it you go get yourself a bottle of iodine and make all your family take it, because this little raisin sized gland, stuck in the middle of your head is probably has a role in the amount of people with mental health issues and all those problems resulting in a lack of sleep, not to mention a role in breast and prostrate cancer with a helping of Alzheimer on the side for luck. Let alone its implication in autism. Again, lots of big words which I will do my best to spell properly and medical sentences which I hope read OK. Forgive me for any glaring mistakes and do your own research on this.

Your pineal gland is about the size of a raisin and shaped like a pine cone - hence its name. It is located at the very centre of your brain, but is exempt from the blood/brain barrier. Blood flows through your pineal gland at the same rate as it flows through your kidneys, which is more than any other gland. So whatever is in your blood will be in your pineal gland. It is in part of the brain called 'diencephalon'. The main structures of the diencephalon include the hypothalamus, thalamus, epithelium (including the pineal gland) and sub thalamus. The diencepahon relays sensory information between brain regions and controls many autonomic functions of the peripheral nervous system.  It also connects the structures of the endocrine system with the nervous system and works in conjunction with the limbic system. Part of the diencephalon is also included in the limbic system which helps manage our emotions such as fear, anger, emotions, sexual behaviours, memories and the strength of an emotional response to an event.

The pineal gland helps in the regulations of the Endocrine system (all glands and their hormones) and is
responsible for secretion of the hormone melatonin. Melatonin is a sub hormone of Seratonin which is your happy hormone. Melatonin maintains the bodies sleep-wake cycle, regulates the onset of puberty in females and the helps protect the body from cell damage by free radicles. Breast cancer and prostate cancer patients alongside those with Alzheimer show lower than normal levels of melationin. Scientists at Tulane University School of medicine in New Orleans grew some human breast cancer cells in laboratory and added melatonine to the culture. They found the cancer grew one-fourth to one-half as fast as the non-treated cells. The fewer oestrogen receptors the cancer cells had, the more melatonin was needed to retard their growth. Dr Hill concluded that "Melatonin my be a naturally occurring anti-cancer compound. The more a breast cancer is Oestrogen receptor positive, the more dramatic the response." Alzheimer patients also show an unusually high level of calcification in the pineal gland, this calcification is caused in part by Fluoride. In 1997 a british scientist Jennifer Luke discovered that fluoride accumulates in the pineal gland at strikingly high levels that have a major impact on its function. Without going into the fluoride debate, there are 2 types of fluoride, one is natural and the other is a waste product of nuclear industry. Guess which one they put in water. On an interesting side note, and one I put in because it shows that the people we trust our health to are not acting in our best interest, President Obama in his first week of office (second term), passed a law increasing the acceptable level of radioactivity in Americas drinking water. In a win for the nuclear industry, Obama gave approval for dramatically raising permissible radioactive levels in drinking water and soil, following 'radiological incidents'. PEER executive director Jeff Rush stated, 'This is a public health policy that only Dr Strange-love could embrace.' In soil, the new PAGS (protective action guides)  long term public exposure to radiation increase the long standing 1 in 10,000 cancer rate to 1 in 23 persons exposed over a 30 years period!

The pineal gland is super sensitive to light. Lucas RJ et al published a paper in 'Science' where an experiment was carried out on mice which had been genetically bred to have no photo receptors in their eyes. Their pineal gland responded normally to light stimulus, which left the scientist at a loss to explain the results. In humans, when light hits your eye, it travels via a nerve to the gland. When its dark, it sends a signal to begin secreting melatonin which makes your system go into sleep mode. Here are my thoughts - there seems to be a modern day boom in problems associated with sleep, young girls starting their periods earlier and earlier, endocrine (hormone) problems, and mental health problems. When the pineal gland plays such an important role in all of them, and is known to have calcified by the time we are 20, where are the studies to help reverse this or are we just expected to swallow all the pills from big Pharm. and soldier on. I am a big fan of Judge Judy, she has a saying that if it doesn't sound right then it probably isn't true. Most of what I am told by people 'in the know' about autism (cancer and all those other thing going wrong with us) doesn't sound right, that's what set me on my path to find out for myself, and that's why I am sharing what I found - because most people are far more trusting than I. If iodine can help your pineal gland, let alone the other things it does, then you should take it. The iodine patch I put on Ed in the morning has completely disappeared 6 hours latter, this would indicate his bodies hunger for it, my patch lasts just over 24 hours and the rest of the family slightly less.

On a final note, which I put in because I found it curious, your pineal gland is your 'third eye' according to the mind, body spirit lot. They have long understood that it needs clearing, and have yoga positions, sounds and sunlight protocols to do just that. Your third eye controls your spinal chakras which interestingly are also places where a lot of other 'glands' are located. Now before you brush this off as rubbish, consider this, one of the 4 types of cells that make up the pineal gland are Pinealocytes. These cells in non-mammalian vertebras have a strong resemblance to the photo receptors in the eye (rods and cone to you and me). In the mature mammalian cells, they express a known photoreceptor protein known to have implications in the visual cascade. Some evolutionary experts think they share a common evolutionary ancestry with retinal cells. In birds, the pineal gland has a magnetic quality not yet quite understood, but it is this little gland (they think) that is responsible for birds being able to navigate their way round the world, and for pigeons to home.

My family asked me where I get my iodine from, and the truth is I bought it off the internet ages ago, I bought Nascent iodine from LL magnetic clay, if you tap it in google I am sure that you will find somewhere you can trust to get it from.

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